Holly Drive Leadership Academy is a small, safe K-8 learning community serving primarily African American and Latino low income student population. In the last four years, Holly Drive increased the proportion of its students scoring Met/Exceed more than San Diego Unified School District and California overall. Our growth was approximately three times higher than SDUSD! The school has demonstrated sustained ELA growth overall and across all subgroups. Holly Drive outperformed all but one of its district comparison schools in ELA last year. In math, Holly Drive has doubled the proportion of its students MET/Exceed overall and in key subgroups. The school is focused on accelerating its students math performance to mirror its ELA success.
School Attire
Students will come to school dressed and groomed in such a way as to reflect neatness and cleanliness. All students will be modestly dressed and groomed in a manner that does not distract, interrupt, or interfere with the educational process.
A navy blue bottom and white uniform top is required and expected at school. Uniforms can be purchased at the following stores: Target, K-Mart, Wal-Mart, Mervyns, and Dennis Uniform Company. The uniform policy is strictly enforced.
Regular attendance at school is essential for the academic and social development of each child. It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure that each child is in daily attendance and arrives at school on time. A note from home must follow every absence stating the reason for absence. The note must be given to the front office. According to state regulations, we must know the reason for the absence. The following are excusable absences:
A. Personal Illness
B. Quarantine
C. Medical, dental, optometrically, or chiropractic services
D. Funeral services of a members of the immediate family. Excused absence in this instance shall be limited to one day if the service is conducted in California or three days if the service is conducted out of state." Immediate family" shall be defined as mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, spouse, son/son-in-law, daughter/daughter-in-law, brother, sister or any relative living in the student's immediate household.
E. Spending time with a member of the immediate family who is an active duty member of the uniformed forces and has been called to duty for, is on leave from, or has immediately returned from, deployment to a combat zone or combat support position.
F. A attending the pupil’s naturalization ceremony to become a United States citizen
G. Justifiable personal reasons requested in writing and approved by the Principal
H. Observation of a holiday or ceremony of his/her religion; Attendance at religious retreats for no more than four hours during a semester; or participation in religious instruction or exercises.
If any other reason is given for an absence, it is considered unexcused.
Promptness to class is very important. Students are to be in line and ready to enter their classroom before 8:00am. The teacher will confer with the student after class or after school concerning tardiness. After the fifth tardy, the teacher will refer the student to the principal. The principal will contact the parents for a conference. Students that are late should come to the office before going to class to receive a tardy slip.
If a student becomes too ill to remain in class, a staff member will contact the parents by telephone. Parents must provide an up to date telephone number on the application. If your child is ill, please do not send him/her to school. A student who contracts a contagious disease or condition such as pink eye, chicken pox, ring worm, impetigo, or head lice will be sent home from school and must remain at home until the child is healthy and no longer contagious. A doctor's note is required for the student to return to school.
Make-Up Work
Should you need to pick up work for your child due to a one or two day absence, you are asked to call the school before 9:00am each morning. Materials may be sent home with a sibling, another student or may be picked up at the end of the school day from the office. This gives the teacher adequate time during the school day to organize materials. For extended excused absences, your child's assignments may be collected before, during or after the absence. The teacher determines completion time allowed for work missed during the absence.
Rady’s resources https://www.rchsd.org/health-articles/finding-low-cost-mental-health-care/
Multiple clinics https://www.sdcity.edu/community/docs/counseling_resources.pdf
Center for Mindful Relationships in Hillcrest http://www.firstave.net
Center for Community Counseling and Engagement https://centerforcommunitycounseling.org
YMCA Mental Health https://www.ymcasd.org/community-support/ymca-youth-and-family-services/behavioral-and-mental-health-services
Vista Hill https://www.vistahill.org
First quarter is from August 23, 2023 to October 27, 2023. Report cards are sent home on February 2, 2024
Second quarter is from October 30, 2023 to January 31, 2024.
Third quarter is from February 1, 2024 to April 5, 2024.
Fourth quarter is from April 8, 2024 to June 11, 2024.