Dear Holly Drive Leadership Academy families,
I write this opening letter to you with deep pride in being the principal of Holly Drive Leadership Academy. I have been part of this growing and prospering Academy since the school’s inception in 1999. On behalf of the entire school staff, we would like to welcome you to Holly Drive Leadership Academy! We are looking forward to working with you in a joint effort to provide your child with a successful, productive and rewarding educational experience. Your full participation and active involvement in the educational program can make a valuable contribution in achieving this goal. You are encouraged to visit the school, join the Parent/Teacher Organization or the Executive Board of Directors, and become fully involved in your child’s educational process.
We are so excited about our returning students and for those students who are beginning anew! We have so much planned this year and hope that each of you can participate in all the wonderful community-building and service-based learning experiences that we provide for our students. We are all committed to providing an environment that promotes academic excellence, and creativity in a safe and nurturing setting. Our goal is to empower each student to become a leader, a life-long learner and help them understand their responsibility to serving the community in which they live.
Classes begin at 8:00 a.m. for all grades. We serve breakfast in the classroom to all students in all grades free of charge. There is a daily uniform inspection. All students are required to wear navy blue and white uniforms. This year we have implemented Holly Drive Leadership Academy shirts and jackets that are acceptable in lieu of the uniform. T-Shirts or shirts without collars, Jeans and sweats are prohibited Monday – Thursday. If you need assistance in getting a school uniform, please contact the front office. Please make sure your child is in the mandatory school uniform everyday (Monday – Thursday). Every Friday is “Free Dress Day.” Our uniform policy is strictly enforced. Please visit our website to view our family handbook. All students are dismissed daily at 2:30pm. However, we provide free before and after care for those who wish to be involved. Ms. Deidra is our Site Supervisor of the HEAT Program. Please reach out to Deidra directly should you wish to enroll your child in our before or after school program.
I look forward to sharing this school year together. May this year bring our children much academic success and emotional growth.
In your child’s interest,
Alysia Smith, Principal